... | @@ -668,3 +668,382 @@ class TestPlayer(unittest.TestCase): |
... | @@ -668,3 +668,382 @@ class TestPlayer(unittest.TestCase): |
# Can not test due to hardcoded System.in use in Player.next_move
# Can not test due to hardcoded System.in use in Player.next_move
## Shapes Example
This module provides the Shape class and related constants which serve as the
base for other (specialized) shapes.
import abc
WIDTH_LABEL = 12 # Label Output Width
WIDTH_VALUE = 24 # Value Output Width
STR_FMT = f"{{:<{WIDTH_LABEL}}}:{{:>{WIDTH_VALUE}}}\n"
FPT_FMT = f"{{:<{WIDTH_LABEL}}}:{{:>{WIDTH_VALUE}.4f}}\n"
class Shape(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Shape in a 2-D Cartesian Plane
def name(self) -> str:
Provide read-only access to the name attribute.
NotImplemented Error if not overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError()
def area(self) -> float:
Compute the area
NotImplemented Error if not overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError()
def perimeter(self) -> float:
Compute the perimeter
NotImplemented Error if not overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError()
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
Return a new duplicate Shape
NotImplemented Error if not overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self) -> str:
Print the shape
NotImplemented Error if not overridden by subclass
return STR_FMT.format("Name", self.name)
import copy
from shapes.shape import (Shape, FPT_FMT)
class Square(Shape):
A Rectangle with 4 Equal Sides
def __init__(self, side=1):
Construct a Square
self._side = side
def name(self) -> str:
Provide read-only access to the name attribute.
return "Square"
def side(self):
return self._side
def side(self, some_value):
self._side = some_value
def area(self):
Compute the area
return self._side ** 2.0
def perimeter(self):
Compute the perimeter
return 4 * self._side
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
Return a new duplicate Shape
return Square(copy.deepcopy(self.side))
def __str__(self):
Print the Square
return (super().__str__()
+ FPT_FMT.format("Side", self.side)
+ FPT_FMT.format("Perimeter", self.perimeter())
+ FPT_FMT.format("Area", self.area()))
This module provides factory utilities for creating shapes. This includes
recording which Shape types are available.
import copy
from shapes.circle import Circle
from shapes.square import Square
from shapes.triangle import (Triangle, RightTriangle, EquilateralTriangle)
"Triangle": (
lambda a, b, c: Triangle(a, b, c)
"Right Triangle": (
lambda base, height: RightTriangle(base, height)
"Equilateral Triangle": (
lambda side: EquilateralTriangle(side)
"Square": (
lambda side: Square(side)
"Circle": (
lambda radius: Circle(radius)
} # _Dictionary_ of known shapes
def create(name):
Create a Shape
name: the shape to be created
A shape with the specified name or null if no matching shape is found
if name in _KNOWN_SHAPES:
return copy.deepcopy(_KNOWN_SHAPES[name][0])
return None
def create_from_dictionary(name, values):
Create a Shape
name: the shape to be created
values: dictionary of values corresponding to the data needed
to inialize a shape
A shape with the specified name or null if no matching shape is found
if name in _KNOWN_SHAPES:
return _KNOWN_SHAPES[name][1](**values)
return None
def is_known(name):
Determine whether a given shape is known
name: the shape for which to query
return name in _KNOWN_SHAPES
def list_known():
Print a list of known Shapes
return "\n".join([f" {name:}" for name in _KNOWN_SHAPES])
def number_known():
Determine the number of known Shapes
return len(_KNOWN_SHAPES)
### Shapes Driver
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Programmer : Thomas J. Kennedy
import json
import pickle
import sys
from shapes import *
from shapes import shape_factory as ShapeFactory
PROGRAM_HEADING = ("Objects & Inheritance: 2-D Shapes",
"Thomas J. Kennedy") # Program Title
def main():
The main function. In practice I could name this
anything. The name main was selected purely
out of familiarity.
The "if __name__" line below determines what runs
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("No input file provided.")
print("Usage: {:} input_file".format(*sys.argv))
shapes_filename = sys.argv[1]
print("-" * 80)
for line in PROGRAM_HEADING:
print("-" * 80)
# Examine the ShapeFactory
print("~" * 38)
print("{:^38}".format("Available Shapes"))
print("~" * 38)
print("-" * 38)
print("{:>2} shapes available.".format(ShapeFactory.number_known()))
# The list needs to be intialzed outside the "with" closure
shapes = list()
with open(shapes_filename, "r") as shapes_in:
for line in shapes_in:
# Split on ";" and Strip leading/trailing whitespace
# And Unpack the list
name, values = [part.strip() for part in line.split(";")]
values = json.loads(values)
shapes.append(ShapeFactory.create_from_dictionary(name, values))
# Remove all `None` entries with a list comprehension
shapes = [s for s in shapes if s is not None]
# Print all the shapes
print("~" * 38)
print("{:^38}".format("Display All Shapes"))
print("~" * 38)
for shp in shapes:
out_filename = "coolPickles.dat"
with open(out_filename, "wb") as pickle_file:
# LOL Nope
# for s in shapes:
# pickle.dump(s, pickle_file)
# One line, full data structure
pickle.dump(shapes, pickle_file)
with open(out_filename, "rb") as pickle_file:
rebuilt_shapes = pickle.load(pickle_file)
# Print all the rebuilt shapes
print("~" * 38)
print("{:^38}".format("Display Re-Built Shapes"))
print("~" * 38)
for shp in rebuilt_shapes:
print("~" * 38)
print("{:^38}".format("Display Largest Shape (Area)"))
print("~" * 38)
largest_shape = max(rebuilt_shapes, key=lambda shape: shape.area())
print("~" * 38)
print("{:^38}".format("Display Smallest Shape (Perimeter)"))
print("~" * 38)
smallest_shape = min(rebuilt_shapes, key=lambda shape: shape.perimeter())
if __name__ == "__main__":
except FileNotFoundError as err:
### Directory Structure
drwxrwxr-x htmlcov
-rw-rw-r-- inputShapes.txt
-rw-rw-r-- MANIFEST
-rw-rw-r-- runTests.sh
-rw-rw-r-- setup.py
drwxrwxr-x shapes
drwxrwxr-x tests
-rw-rw-r-- tox.ini
``` |