Title: Python Workshop Follow-Up
Author: Thomas J Kennedy
Email: tkennedy@cs.odu.edu
# Draft
**This page is a draft**
> I am going to go for a Raymond Hettinger style presentation,
> <https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/cs330/f20/Public/languageResources/#python-programming-videos>.
> These materials are web-centric (i.e., do not need to be printed and are
> available at <https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/python-workshop>).
# Who am I?
I have taught various courses, including:
- CS 300T - Computers in Society
- CS 333 - Programming and Problem Solving
- CS 330 - Object Oriented Programming and Design
- CS 350 - Introduction to Software Engineering
- CS 410 - Professional Workforce Development I
- CS 411W - Professional Workforce Development II
- CS 417 - Computational Methods & Software
Most of my free time is spent writing Python 3 *and Rust* code, tweaking my Vim
configuration, or learning a new (programming) language. My current language of
interest is Rust (at the time of writing).
# Referenced Courses & Materials
I am going to pull from CS 330, CS 350, CS 411W, and CS 417 lecture notes.
- **CS 330 - Object Oriented Programming & Design**
- [S.O.L.I.D](https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/cs330/f20/Public/reviewSOLID/)
- [Iterators](https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/cs330/f20/Public/designDiscussionIterators/)
- **CS 350 - Introduction to Software Engineering**
- **CS 417 - Computational Methods & Software**
- [Python non-linear solver discussion](https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/cs417/f20/Public/solverDiscussion/)
I will also pull a couple examples from the previous:
- [Git workshop](https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/git-workshop)
- [Python workshop](https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/python-workshop)
- [Rust workshop](https://www.cs.odu.edu/~tkennedy/rust-workshop)
# The Broad Strokes
This workshop is intended as discussion on how to write Rust code that makes
use of:
**Tentative Topics**
I will focus on:
- Lambda functions, usage, syntax, and expressions [2 people]
- Structuring large python codebases
- Profiling python, engineering best practices
- Advanced tutorials for modern development : Classes, Polymorphism,
Interfaces, etc.
- Debugging options in python ( A language that promotes rapid development is
usually hard to debug. How can we do it in python? )
- Multithreading/Concurrent python
- Documenting code
Classes and OOP will take a while (the topic is quite vast). I will also
discuss testing python code (with unit testing and integration testing) and
code coverage, along with tox for basic configuration management.
I will try to fit in a few of the remaining topics:
- Correct usage of the .loc and .iloc functionality
- How to use NumPy
- Python for Machine learning, Tensorflow
- Data and workflow management
- Pandas Dataframe usage
- How do we use RDD and DataFrame.
- Implementing cryptographic algorithms
I should be able to fit in some discussion of NumPy.
# Object Oriented
We need to discuss the [rules of a class
| C++ | Java | Python 3 | Rust |
| :------------------------ | :------------------------------ | :--------------- | :---- |
| Default Constructor | Default Constructor | `__init__` | `new()` or Default trait |
| Copy Constructor | Clone and/or Copy Constructor | `__deepcopy__` | `Clone` trait |
| Destructor | | | |
| | finalize (deprecated/discouraged) | `__del__` | `Drop` trait |
| Assignment Operator (=) | | | |
| Accessors (Getters) | Accessors (Getters) | Accessors (`@property`) | Accessors (Getters) |
| Mutators (Setters) | Mutators (Setters) | Setter (`@attribute.setter`) | Mutators (setters) |
| Swap | | | |
| Logical Equivalence Operator (==) | equals | `__eq__` | `std::cmp::PartialEq` trait |
| Less-Than / Comes-Before Operator (<) | hashCode | `__hash__` | `std::cmp::PartialOrd` trait |
| `std::hash` *(actual hashing)* | hashCode | `__hash__` | `std::hash::Hash` trait |
| Stream Insertion Operator (<<) | toString | `__str__` | `std::fmt::Display` trait |
| | | `__repr__` | `std::fmt::Debug` trait |
| `begin()` and `end()` | `iterator` | `__iter__` | `iter()` and `iter_mut()` |